Monday, February 27, 2012

Water of Life

 Authors  Note:  Life lessons are a very important aspect of life that should be appreciated.  Pendragon Black Water by D.J.  MacHale  is excellent example of this.   
What if you were magically teleported to a jungle world full of vicious lizards with nothing but yourself.  In the book Pendragon Black Water written by D.J. MacHale is a great fiction book.  There are a ton of life lessons that can be learned just from reading this book

One of the life lessons to be learned  is that just because some people don’t play the rules doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t fallow the rules too.  An example of this is in Pendragon Black Water is when the Saint Dane breaks the rules and encourages the good character to break the rules too.  This lesson can be followed in real life when you see someone else doing something wrong, so you decide to copy them and you end up being wrong as well.

While breaking the rules is important if you think of situations before they happen you can be prepared.  In real life during the presidential race you can predict the result of each candidate to decide who you’re going to vote for.  in this book the main character needs to predict what the bad guy will do so that he is prepared.  Preparing is a huge skill in school because if you don't prepare for a test you could easily fail.

Being prepared is helpful but you also need to adapt to situations.  Adapting to events is probably the best lesson to be learned because if you can’t figure out the rules or predict the unexpected you can only survive as long as you know happening.  If the human civilization couldn’t adapt we might not have anything we have today.  

Lessons are a key part of life,  who knows where we’d be without them.  Since life lessons play such an important role in Pendragon Black Water, the book should be considered an amazing book to read.

Friday, February 3, 2012

War of a Lifetime

Authors Note:  Pendragon the Never War is an amazing example of a book in the middle of a series that preps for the next book and comes of the first one even better.
The book Pendragon the Never War  written by D.J. MacHale is and excellent combination of historical fiction and scientific fiction.  Along with all of the life lessons that can be learned.  The author did an amazing job at connecting the Never War to the rest of the books in the series.  
The author, D.J.MacHale seems to never run out of ideas for his books.  Every book has a different environment  that the main character explores.    

For example In the Never War is based on the Hindenburg airship disaster in 1937.  The giant airship known as the Hindenburg was an airship that traveled from Germany  to the US that crashed in New Jersey.  Nobody knows exactly why it crashed but there are a ton of guesses out in the world.   All of the theories combine to make an amazing book.  
The Hindenburg crash is an excellent example of what life can throw at you.  Two life lessons include to never give up on your goal and you have to look at the good side of things. An example of never giving up is when the main character is trapped inside a burning building tie to a rope with almost no chance of survival, but he doesn’t give up.  As well as that things aren’t going to well for the main character, Bobby Pendragon, but that doesn’t matter when his friends teach him how to look on the good side of things.  
All of life lessons put together with the realism of the book makes it feel like the author was actually there.   In 1937 there were a lot of things going on that people didn’t know about.  There were gangsters everywhere, the Germans plotting for World War 2, and all of the advancements happening.    The war didn’t start until 1939, but all of the main strings started falling in 1937 with the Hindenburg crashing.  
Pendragon The Never War, by D.J. MacHale is an amazing example of the historical events that happened in 1937.  Life lessons can be learned almost anywhere and are excellent examples of what is important in life.